The secret to achieving your goals - Olivia Ezeani


If you feel you are tired of what is going on in your life, IT'S UP TO YOU to decide to remain in that situation or do something about it. 


Now, I want you to close your eyes and imagine yourself a few years from now. Make sure you are concentrating while doing this, just focus. So what are you seeing? I know you like what you are seeing and it pleases you. Please include your name family, health, financial and relationship goals in your imagination. Five minutes is okay to imagine all of these things.


The next step is to take a book and write down all that you have imagined. Make sure you create a separate sheet for each goal. For example, financial goals should be on a separate sheet. 

I believe by now, you are done writing them down. Don't jump this step, a lot of people will. Writing down whatever you set to achieve is very powerful because it creates a vision in your mind of what you want to be in the future and it makes your mind very efficient. It also increases your chance of achieving them. If you are done writing down what you have imagined, congratulation you have succeeded in setting goals for yourself. 


But then, the question is; ARE YOUR GOALS SMART? If your goals are smart, it increases your chance of achieving them. 


SMART is an acronym that stands for SpecificMeasurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Frame. Many must have heard of this acronym, some haven't, while some have heard about it but don't know how to implement it. Trust me reading this article is still worth it even if you know how to.


Let's start with SPECIFIC. Specific goals have a greater chance of being accomplished.  For example, your financial goal is "I WANT TO MAKE MONEY THIS YEAR". Like seriously, that's not a goal that's a fantasy. If you want to set a smart goal then it must be specific. Instead of saying I want to make money this year, say "I WANT TO MAKE 2,5,10, or 50 MILLION" etc 

You have to state exactly what you want. What this does to your mind is that you are always been reminded of the particular target you want to hit.


MEASURABLE. This is a way of tracking your progress. To measure your progress, ask yourself how do I know I am heading towards my goal? For example, if you want to make 5 million, then ask yourself, how much are you supposed to earn daily or how much are you supposed to earn monthly so that in the end it will sum up to 5 million nairas? Once you can answer this question, then your goal is measurable. For example, you want to make 5 million nairas by the end of the year. You divide 5 million nairas by 12 (There are 12 months in a year), and you end up getting 416,666.7 nairas.  That’s the amount you are supposed to earn monthly to reach your goal. Then if you want to set a weekly goal then you calculate the same way. 

Do you want to work from home? 


ACHIEVABLE: Are your goals achievable? I know you are always told to dream big, I am not saying you shouldn't dream big. But, you have to ask yourself do you have the resources and capabilities to achieve the goal. Let's say for example because you are told to dream big, you start dreaming of making 5 million nairas in a year. Meanwhile, your salary is 50 thousand nairas, you don't have any other skill or side hustle. You only have your salary, and you want to make 5 million nairas by the end of the year. My dear, how do you want to do that? Or are you depending on luck? I have a friend who said she wants to make a certain amount of money by the end of last year, but she knows she doesn't have the necessary skills to achieve that. So, in other to achieve that goal, she has to learn a skill. I love how sincere she was to herself. For your goals to be achievable, you have to be sincere to yourself. If you realize you don't have the necessary skills and resources to achieve the goal, no problem. You have the option of acquiring one.


REALISTIC. You need a goal that is realistic but challenging. If your goals are specific, that is you have a way of tracking your progress {measurable}, and they are achievable then your goals are realistic.


TIME FRAME. Have you ever had a deadline to submit or do something at school or work? How do you feel when the deadline is approaching and then you haven't completed what you are supposed to do? That is how it is when you have a goal and you set a deadline for yourself. You start pushing yourself because you have a deadline to meet.


Zig Ziglar once said, "A goal properly set is halfway reached". If your goal isn't smart then all you have just imagined now are just nothing but fantasy.

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